



9 Years
11-01-2015, 04:44 PM

Inga was pleased to see that Lyndvarr was one of the first to arrive but less pleased to see that he had indeed been lounging in his day.  She'd have expected him to have morning chores.  The elder dipped her head though in greeting. "Good morning Lyndvarr, I am well."  She was glad to see him, it was a shame his sister Lærke was still ill, she imagined that Warja might be helping tend the girl while the others hunted.  She made note to bring them both food after the hunt.  The next to arrive was an unusually pelted woman and Inga would again dip her head in greeting.  She believed this femme was called Bernadette.  Kaprasíus was the next to arrive as she would grin at the viking man.  "Nothing too fancy this morning, Stallari, a good hearty meal of white-tail deer if Ullr leads me correctly." She'd had the lucky to stumble upon a fresh deer trail while she'd been searching for a stream with which to wash up for the day.  Katja was next to arrive, as silent and watchful as Heimdall.

The slave girl, Hani arrived next, sour and grumbling but that was somewhat to be expected.  Inga eyed the herbs in the woman's mouth curiously but said nothing, only offering the woman a nod of greeting.  The last to arrive were Laufey and Hárekr.  The larger male arrived silent and stern while the smaller would immediately set to causing trouble, reaching over to try and lick the slave girls cheeks.  Inga's hackles raised.  "Hárekr!  Please do not distract your packmates, slaves or otherwise.  I would like everyone's focus to be on the hunt and the slaying of prey." While the man might have been in the pack longer than she had Inga was used to throwing around her experience as authority and as far as she knew Hani belonged to Laufey, not Hárekr and she did not want to see an incident rise out of the bi-colored mans actions.

"Thank you all for coming, God morgen!  For those that do not know me I am Inga Ballari.  As I walked the lands of Yfir this morning I came upon a deer trail, freshly travelled.  I have offered prayers to Ullr, a god of great prowess in the hunt, for guidance and I believe it is on this trail we will find success.  When we find them I will give the call to charge.  Everyone rush the deer and get the prey running, it is only then we can accurately select a target.  I will select the target and give you the following instructions on the run so be ready, be alert.  Now come, let us start!"  Inga turned on her heels and took off toward the stream near which she'd found the trail, she quickly picked it up and began to travel along the narrow trail, swerving to avoid stepping in a fresh pile of deer droppings.

Soon they arrived near a shallow valley where the stream cut through the land.  Deer were grazing on both sides, pawing and digging at the ground to devour the last bits of green as well as dropped seeds.  This years fawns were almost adult size and while inexperienced it still might be best to pick an older or injured target if they could find one.  Inga crouched down, signaling the others to follow and began slinking forward, pausing every so often when the lead buck would look up startled.  She wanted to close some of the distance first so that she could better analyze the prey.  When she felt they were as close as they dared get she barked out a swift command for the chase to begin, hanging back to analyze the prey while the younger wolves got them running.


Next due date is the end of the day November 6th!  Skip Lyndvarr, I have to leave tonight and go ahead and post whenever, the order is not important yet and I will likely give out a new one when the action starts.  Thanks guys!