
Making Sea Shells by the Seashore



6 Years

11-02-2015, 12:02 AM

She'd been in the east for almost an entire season, and she was glad to be coming south now that it was getting colder. The midnight she-wolf had hoped to visit the Weeping Woods, but since her last trek to the south, it had become occupied. She supposed one day she would go to find out who resided in her favourite territory, but for now she didn't mind checking out the rest of the south. And so it was that she found herself at the Sea's Plains, enjoying the salty air and cool breeze off the water. She was also fascinated by the wide-based trees that dotted the shore - she hadn't seen trees like that before, they looked quite sturdy and almost welcoming as a place to rest. But before any dozing, she needed to get a bite to eat. With winter coming, she needed to keep up her strength. She knew that the sea was plentiful, and she'd been shown how to seek out small prey that lived in the water and on the beach. She was even a good fisher, though she was more interested in the bounty hiding beneath the sand right now.

Esarosa trotted down to the beach, careful to keep her paws away from the barnacle-ridden rocks. She came to a small, shallow pool, sloshing through partially dried out seaweed until she stood ankle-deep in the water. Tiny fish skittered away, and a baby crab nipped at her toes. She'd have to keep looking for something edible - a stream of bubbles rising from the pool's edge caught her attention. She stalked over to the bubbles, then started digging vigorously, water and sand splashing everywhere. Within seconds, she saw her prey, and her jaws shot forward to snatch up the clam. She tossed it away from the water and pounced on it, laying down on the sand with the clam between her claws. Tilting her head so she could get the shell between her molars, she bit down, cracking it open so she could pick away the pieces of shell and expose the flesh. She hungrily plucked the clam's body out from its shell and swallowed it quickly, licking her lips with satisfaction. I could definitely use a few more, she thought, her belly rumbling for more.

A craggy, barnacle-infested rock nearby looked promising, so she crawled closer to it on her belly. Then with sudden haste, she'd push the rock over with her nose, revealing a fair-sized crab which tried to scuttle away. Her paw would come down on its back, and she picked it up in her teeth by the back end before smashing it on a rock. Immobilizing it, she picked it up again, no longer worried about its claws, and carried it across the beach to the base of a tree. When she dropped it, she noticed the scent of a wolf carried on the humid breeze. Was somebody else nearby?

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