
Ambitious but rubbish



4 Years
11-02-2015, 10:54 AM

Yes, the other man definitely seemed a bit confused when Hiraeth first spoke. Perhaps he should have made English his default, after all it did seem to be the widely spoken language in this land. He walked a little closer, still smiling a bit as the man explained what he was looking for, and Hiraeth flicked an ear as he thought. "Well, I'm far from being an expert in that area, but I may know just enough to be of some use to you. All you need is a little help identifying them, right?" his eyes were already peering through the grasses. There were indeed many herbs here, most of which were unfamiliar to the foreigner. But his eyes landed on a small group of white flowers that made his eyes brighten a bit with recognition. He didn't know the precise name of it — if he did he would know it was called trillium — but he knew it was good for cleaning wounds and keeping out infection. "Your healers may appreciate these," he said, brushing the flowers with his nose and then reaching down to carefully sever their stems with his teeth. He came a little closer to the stranger and laid the small white blooms at his feet before moving back again and settling into his haunches.

Honestly he didn't know many of the other herbs here, and didn't want to risk guessing. Herbs could be dangerous things. One could look familiar, but a slight difference in leaf shape or berry color could be the difference between life and death. "As I said before, I don't claim to have much knowledge in this area, but my mother was a healers apprentice," he explained with a shy smile.