
A Flower For The Lady



3 Years
11-02-2015, 07:54 PM

A ruddy paw slammed down on the cannabis leaf, crushing it beneath her claws, tearing it to tatters and leaving it lay atop the frost-bitten earth. She wouldn't bother to partake of it. What was the point? It didn't help, it probably never had. The shock of losing her brother and finally meeting her birth mother only to loose the woman moments later in the same catastrophe filled her stomach with bitterness. The memories would skirt about the edges of her dreams, every so often blossoming into nightmares. On top of all that winter was on its way… just what she needed, more silence, more solitude.

Acadia took a deep breath and sighed as she gazed across the gully, wondering if it would survive the winter. She knew she couldn't dwell on her losses. It wasn't like she could've done anything, right? What good would she have been against a bear? Probably would've just gotten in the way… Acadia could not decide if she even wanted to try and connect with any of her remaining family. They'd all scattered to the winds last she knew. Loki was nowhere to be found. Her littermates were either dead or long gone and her young half-siblings had left Imperium almost as soon as they'd received the news. They'd all broken up and crumbled away like a dead autumn leaf, the winds sweeping them apart and carrying them off towards who knew what.

Night gave way to dawn and Acadia was on the move, hunting and picking through the foilage for potential life-saving herbs. At the moment it was more a hobby than serious pursuit but part of her couldn't help but wonder if a skilled healer, who'd come upon the scene shortly after, before Dægmar had dragged herself half-way across Alacritis, might have been able to save them. Probably not. Just like her mother and brother to go all in when it came to getting into trouble. She smiled softly. Typical Thyres and Frosts, trouble wasn't worth getting into unless someone had the potential to lose a body part.

The young woman paused as she noticed another wolf sniffing a flower not to far away. Oh, what the hell, she might as well say hello. It was about time she had some company! "Hey there! That's a pretty flower, don't suppose you know if it's used for anything useful, do you?"
