
I only call you when it's half past five



4 Years
11-03-2015, 12:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2015, 11:55 AM by Isolde.)

He did not leave her disappointed, her mind had been able to concentrate on absolutely nothing the whole time they'd been together. He wouldn't leave her side as his form disentangled from her own, the affections he'd offered before would not desist. "Come with me," the words left no room for argument, but she wasn't going to resist either. She was lonely, being with him for those moments was not going to help her after. In answer the she wolf remained quiet, leaning into his touch and following as he led her where it was he wished her to be.

Their journey was silent, but Isolde didn't have much use for words then. She was tired and didn't wish to explore the contents of her mind anymore that night. Her focus was on their closeness, and the obvious possessiveness she'd found in this new companion. His touch didn't hold the same love that Soliloquy's did, but he was warm and pleased her expertly. With winter coming on she would do well to have someone to depend on through the cold season.

The much larger wolf led her to an old den, she wouldn't hesitate as he waited her to slip inside first. With little coaxing needed her legs would fold beneath her as she lowered herself to the cave's floor. Almost unexpectedly Gethin wrapped himself around her protectively and began to groom her ruffled fur. She'd sigh contentedly into his bigger form, as he moved down her neck she'd lower her head to his paws. "Are you hungry?" He'd ask if he could get her anything but she was already on her way to sleep. She'd manage to shake her head 'no' as she snuggled further into his large form.

Though she'd closed her golden tinted gaze as he tended her fur she'd feel the sweet kiss he placed on her fur and again her eyes would open as she peered up at him. There was a curiosity in her gaze, like she was trying to figure him out. It wouldn't last long though, her brain was too tired, and questions would have to wait until the morning. Mumbling contentedly as she closed her gaze again she'd manage a soft, "Goodnight, Gethin." She'd sigh and her body would sink into him, perfectly relaxed as she drifted to sleep.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]