
Jarvela Tribe adopts



10 Years
Extra large
11-04-2015, 08:35 AM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2016, 07:01 PM by Nyx.)

The Jarvela tribe is a nomadic arctic tribe. Truthfully, calling them the “Jarvela tribe” is a bit of a misnomer -- though many of the wolves in the tribe were related by blood, many were not, and without any sort of formal organization they had no leaders and no official name for their group. They simply existed and were fiercely loyal to one another. Based on the Sami religion of northern Scandanavia, they tend to be intensely spiritual and finely in tune with nature. They worship reindeer as sacred, surviving mainly off following their migration each year (before coming to Ardent, of course). Rather than being strict in their faith, they tend toward the more spiritual and metaphysical side of religion and some are far more religious than others.


Language: Fluent in Finnish, and most know some English (though not all know it perfectly!); some might know bits other Northern languages as well, though likely not fluently.

Sexuality: They tend to view sexuality as an extremely fluid thing; their teachings emphasize free love, and no real importance is placed on monogamy for either gender. In fact, monogamy is seen as a bit unnatural. Procreation is not highly encouraged, but seen as more of a matter of chance, though family ties are quite important and passing on knowledge and training to ones children is an integral part of their culture.

Traditions: The tribe would follow the reindeer migration each year - they would travel long distances in the spring, when the reindeer would gather to breed, and again in the fall when the herds would break apart and move to heavily forested areas before winter set in. They lived in the north, often in mountainous tundras, and are used to a hard and brutal existence. Fighting is not uncommon among these wolves, and they often had friendly brawls among their group.  They had no formal hierarchy - if someone wanted to do something, they did it, and they came and went freely with no obligation other than the ones they made themselves. It was not uncommon for members to disappear for seasons, only to return again.

Values: They placed high importance on values such as independence and self-preservation. The weak were not coddled; if someone could not keep up, they were left behind. They tend to be a bit selfish in this regard, though many formed tight bonds and would protect one another until the death if it came down to it.  They also were taught to constantly question authority; to believe that you are your own master, and to not bow to anyone. Most, if not all, would be wildly uncomfortable in a pack setting.  Their alignments vary wildly; so don't feel confined to the same sort of character that Aki and his siblings are.


Main aspects of their religion are: polytheism (belief in a multitude of gods and goddesses), animism (the belief that inanimate objects have souls), and shamanism (some trained individuals can connect with the spiritual world). They also believe in the circular process of life, death, and rebirth, and stress living in the moment.

Some of them use superstition to guide their movements or travels (i.e. sleeping near water to keep Vuorwro [a female spirit that eats sleeping creatures in areas without water] at bay), and some believe both living beings, and inanimate objects, all have souls (even trees!)  - some believe that a Shaman known as a noaidi is believed to be an intermediary between the spiritual and material world; can consult with the dead while in a trance. They respect many things in nature that others might not - like trees or mountains, for example. They also worshiped reindeer, as I mentioned above, as they fed almost exclusively off of them.  A good overview of Sami shaminism can be found here.

  • Four general gods: the Mother, the Father, the Son (the creator of the earth) and the Daughter (Radienacca, Radienacce, Radienkiedde and Radienneida)
  • Gazzi - A spiritual guardian; every creature is born with one
  • Sala Niejta - Responsible for ending the winter, turning mountains green to feed the reindeer
  • Tjatse Olmai - A sprite who sits near the shores and listens to wishes of those who visit him

Good reference for more Sami deities


The Jarvela tribe was highly accepting of outsiders, so long as you followed their customs and did not try to exert any kind of power or hierarchy over its members. Family members will tend toward darker coats (grey, black, even dark brown) and red markings are prominent. The Jarvela family tend to be big and bulky, so keep that in mind as well. More distant family members can stray from this. I have no real outline of the rest of the Jarvelas, so feel free to be creative regarding other family members.

As for unrelated members, have free reign! Keep in mind that members can be both born into the tribe (as it has existed for a long time), or have joined at any age. Just note how they are related, or when they came into the group!

Not up for adoption:  Áki's parents, or other siblings (Sabine and Sunniva are his only siblings).

On-site Jarvelas: Aki, Sabine (Aki's sister), Sunniva (Aki's sister), Mikkal, Duvka

Note: Aki is 7 years old right now, born in Spring. He left in the Winter of his 3rd year (so turned 4 a bit after he came to Alacritia. The only wolves from the tribe that would've met him directly would be at least 3 years old and born in Winter, but his father had tusks as well, so they'd likely recognize him even if they'd never met him!


History: (how they ended up in the group, and when they left)
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