
Moon's Rising in the West

Viridian 1


3 Years
11-04-2015, 10:31 AM

Leaving her sheltered life for the first time had come as quite the surprise from her parents, they'd lingered with them this long they'd started to doubt that Faun and Solar would ever leave. When Cathaoir left their island the idea had escaped her mind, but he had left and said goodbye. Solar was gone with little trace. Had he followed their younger cousin out into the unknown? Viridian had no idea, but with all of their parent's left to keep safe the island Viridian would not give up until her sibling was found. That determination was very much alive and burning within her, and with her focus positioned fully upon him she wouldn't notice the form watching her.

The sound of a bark seeking out her attention would halt the silvery goddess in her tracks as the familiarity became more apparent. For just a small moment she thought he might have been Solar, but as she turned her features and caught sight of his pale form she knew this was her cousin. She'd move to meet him half way, feeling consoled slightly in his sudden presence. The girl would lean into his touch as the boy's nose would be pushed into her neck. She'd sight softly, though this was not Solar it felt good knowing she could find at least one family member.

"Come to join me?"

She'd smile brightly at his words, finding herself leaning into his soft coat for warmth. The ocean had been quite cold, but she'd been warm from exertion. Now that she was more still and the wind blew upon her a slight shiver would run up her back. "Kind of." She'd answer as she nuzzled him back. "Solar... went missing. I came to find him." The concern for him was obvious, back on their tiny island you didn't have anybody but family. Solar was her best friend, she couldn't just go on with her life not knowing where he was or what had happened to him.