
hush now



10 Years
11-04-2015, 05:54 PM

Laufey wasn't following along, but he saw some sudden spark of insight in Katja's stare. She grew more detached from the present moment by the second; sinking quietly into the earth before speaking once again. Her words were not directed at him, nor at Laufey, who sat with his mouth agape staring at them both questioningly.

The knowledge of what was going on hit him suddenly. He'd given her some of his herbs, to relax her body, to let her mind sway, just slightly. But she wasn't used to taking herbs like he was, and the same dose that was quite minimal for him was too powerful for her. His mouth twisted suddenly, unsure whether he ought to feel panicked or amused, and instead he settled somewhere in between. It was impossible to know what was happening in her mind, but the gods were speaking to her -- and suddenly she leaped up, away and into the darkness.

He snorted, laughing in amusement, though he knew she might need supervision. Well, even if she didn't necessarily need it, it wouldn't hurt. At least until the greatest effects of the herb wore off.  "Go follow her,"  he suggested to Laufey. The effects the drug had on him were far milder, and suddenly he felt exhausted and ready to fall asleep.  "I gave her some salvia. The gods have come to her. It can be quite a terrifying experience.. and a delightful one. But she'll need someone." And Kapra was not that someone, as he felt his eyes slowly drooping as though sleep would overtake him at any instant.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.