
Second Attempt

Athena I


9 Years
11-05-2015, 07:14 AM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2015, 07:16 AM by Athena I.)

Athena loved Ama's excitement and joy as they talked about being mothers again. She would travel the world and back to keep that joy on Ama's face- or in this case endure any strangeness that being with her brother might bring. She didn't quite view it in the "icky" light that Ama did, but that didn't mean she was entirely thrilled by it either. She had been with a man in the past and it didn't bother her to do it again, it was just the fact that it was Leo that made her blush. But, seeing how happy it made Ama to think about them having children that would look like her made it all worth it. "I can't wait to see our little gray, red-headed babies," he commented with a chuckle and a playful lick to Ama's cheek.

She would settle back on her haunches then while Ama called for Leo, waiting patiently but anxiously at the same time to hear the news. She was afraid Leo's request would go much like Falk's had, but soon enough Leo's vibrant coat appeared through the trees and she could tell from his expression that he had good news for them. His words confirmed her thoughts as he came to a stop by her wife and Athena's eyes immediately went to Amalia's face to see her reaction. Athena couldn't help the little grin that tugged at her lips. This was certainly not how she had thought her day would go. All the pieces were falling into place so quickly.

"talk" 'think' "you"