
Hey You, With The Face

Mercy I


5 Years

11-05-2015, 03:12 PM

His words were calm and cool, but they still managed to irritate the pale woman to no end. Another snarl left her lips as she eyes him with narrowed purple eyes, the rest of her defenses quickly sliding into place. Her shoulders rolled forward as her head aligned with her spine, chin tucking towards her chest. Lips were pulled back to show her teeth, ears flat against her skull. Her tail rose to align with her spine as well, legs bending slightly as she set each limb and equal distance apart. Toes spread as her claws bit into the earth, ready for anything that this irritating man would toss her way. She laughed when he said that he wanted to know more of her, a single brow rising on her battle ready face. "Not sure if you'll like what you get to know, buddy." she mumbled, determined to not let his oddly aggravating and sweet words get to her. A game, it was all a game! A game that she was more than ready to win.

She didn't need an invitation to start the fight, hardly waiting until he had finished speaking until she launched herself at him. Mercy aimed to close the distance between them, her shoulders jutting forward as she aimed to keep them at a head on position. Because of her smaller stature, there was no hope for her to slam against him shoulder to shoulder, so she aimed for either one of her shoulders to meet his chest with a heavy force. Her right shoulder was aimed for the left side of his lower chest, her left shoulder aiming for the right side of his lower chest. She hoped that the impact would be enough to force the breath from his lungs as well as leave some nice bruises, no matter the ones she would most likely get in return. Without pausing Mercy's head tilted towards her own right, nose pointing towards her left as she tried to bring her open jaws upwards and towards Einarr's throat. Mercy aimed for her top jaw to sink into the left side of his neck, about three inches down from his jaw line, while her lower jaw aimed for the center of his throat, about four inches lower than her upper jaw. The woman was hoping to bite in deep enough to give him a wound to remember her by, as well as achieve a grip on the vulnerable area. At the same time she shifted her weight to her own left, her right front leg raising and attempting to snake around the ankle of his left front leg, and with one fluid movement she pulled her own leg back towards her chest. The smaller girl hoped to pull his leg out from under him, hopefully offsetting the larger mans balance.

Round 1 of 2/3? (you pick! I know you have more going on than me.)


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.