
Dirty Little Secret

Viridian 1


3 Years
11-05-2015, 05:26 PM

This place couldn't have been more horrifying, the most terrible was the smell. The air was full of the smell of rot and decay, everywhere she placed her silvery paws they'd become covered in a terrible muck. She wasn't quite sure why she'd come through this way, but here she was in the middle of the swamp. She should have turned back the first time she stepped into a puddle, but she'd been much too determined to look everywhere. What if there were a sign here? What if he'd been kidnapped and brought here? There were so many possibilities, she'd just followed into the waterlogged lands with little other thought.

She should have also turned back when she got caught up in those vines earlier, after getting her legs wrapped up in the long tendrils it had sent her flying into the mud. That was why her face, and really most of her body, were covered in thick streaks of mud. That had been more than annoying and made her long for dry land again so she could get it out of her fur.

She was about half way through when she stepped into the lake. She'd been focused on a trail, if you could call the almost deer trail a path, and as she continued the land would disappear from beneath her paws. Suddenly her whole body was under the muddy water. She'd slipped in with hardly a sound but immediately she knew the wrong in her life. Having grown up next to the ocean she was an excellent swimmer, but nothing had prepared her for the ick that was this swamp water. Eventually her head would reappear, and with a great breath she'd struggle to find her footing again.

That was when she noticed the creature. It was easily twice her length, and she might not have seen it if the sun wasn't at the exact right position to make it's eyes reflect the light. Even as she caught sight of it the crocodile started swimming in her direction, and with little effort slipped beneath the surface. Viridian would cry out in fear as she struggled forward, she needed a tree she needed a rock! She needed to get out of the water and away from the monster behind her.