
Timeless Wanderer


11-05-2015, 07:26 PM

He studied the colorful femme as he kept his unmoving posture. He was forcing himself to relax despite the screaming of his instincts to keep on his defenses. But he was sure that would spur her into attacking him, not that he was incredibly worried. He was a huge man, easily able to overpower most. But the strength of one who feared for their life could often times be stronger. Fear often fueled ones strength, adrenaline driving them relentlessly, and insanity voiding them of any sense. He had death with such creatures before, but this woman was only fueled by least, that he could see anyway.

Pearlescent gaze kept wary, guarding his own fear of her potentially attacking him. Ears slightly lifted at her question, but the apology was not missed. So...after all this time, he still smelled of what he tried to leave behind? It was their fault. Not his. How could he explain this to her? Calmly, he lowered himself to his belly, twisting his cranium towards the ground, the male exposed his throat. This was something he would never ever do, but it was his last resort to show he meant no harm to her. If she so chose to try and kill him there, he would fight. He was no fool, but he was ready for anything. "I don't wish to harm you, or your children. I've long ago abandoned the ways of my old pack, even after their deaths. I wish to wipe away those memories and start fresh."

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'