
Ghosts From the Past



6 Years
11-06-2015, 09:40 PM

Jendai hadn't missed the concern that had flashed across Ara's face when she stepped back to look at her more closely. Her scars had become so much a part of her in the last few seasons that she hardly thought about them any more. It hadn't really thought about what her family might think of them- mostly because she wasn't entirely sure she would ever see them again. Until now of course. Jen wasn't sure what Ara had thought of that made that concern be brushed away, but she was kind of glad. She had taken her lumps proudly, she didn't need her sister to be worried over her.

She listened curiously as Ara explained what she had been up to as of late, mentioning Novel and Steel in her explanation as well. Steel! The last time she had seen him he had been a pup still. How much had she missed while she had been off trying to make herself stronger? She was happy to hear that they were no longer prisoners even though it did make her curious as to who was running the pack now and how it had changed. She tried not to think about their parents too much when Ara mentioned them. She didn't want to be sad during her reunion with her sister.

Jendai nodded in agreement to Ara's observation, her tattered ear flicking. "I've been training," she replied with a slight, sad smile even though there was a pride in her voice. "I wanted to be a warrior so badly, but I wanted to do it on my own terms so I went and traveled and made wolves fight me. It didn't turn out well all the time, obviously-" she commented with a chuckle and another flick of her half-missing ear, "But I've learned a lot."
