
you told me i was a saint


04-14-2013, 06:21 PM
hey, welcome, wild. i have the following characters.

lucrecia - ravenous, cruel, elegant; borderline insane (though masks her frivolities well) - she easily gets obsessed, her emotions are overwhelming. she's witchy and fiendish, often behaving impulsively, but there are moments where she exudes an aura of temporary calm. she'd find laurier's stoicism secretly intolerable, and being the brash/sensitive being that she is, will not hesitate to dig her nails into anything that she may draw from him (emotionally or sexually). she's a very intimate, chaotic, and aggressive character. bi-polar, even. there is a rawness to lucrecia that is almost out of control, animalistic; depressing. she'd eagerly get under your skin, just for reaping her own sadistic pleasures. her violent nature, her ever-thirsting lust for knowledge (both forbidden and pure), is a guise to the infinite turmoil she feels in her heart.

vivienne - seductive; controlled; enticing; womanly, through and through. holds herself in a dignified, sultry grace; eloquent and sensual, marked with a subtle arrogance that defines her cruel, feline demeanour. she's harsh, extremely controlling, capable of immense and wretched cruelty. a very romantic individual, she breathes for love and sensuality - love is her breath, her life, her passion. vain, lethargic, narcissistic, obsessed with beauty, yet as selfish as she is; vivienne is completely tender and affectionate to those she adores. often solitary, hiding behind a passive-aggressive - but equally alluring and seductive - attitude. vivienne has a timeless aura to her, her gentle movements and soft-spoken words lending her a veil of otherworldly allure. she would get along with laurier, perhaps even find his company soothing. i can see them having an intimate/docile conversation.