
Barnett / Amsel Adopts!


11-07-2015, 06:37 PM
||| General Beliefs |||

The two Clans believed in one central god; The Star God. The creature who lived in the heavens and gave life to all things. When the Star God is at peace, there is plentiful prey and life is peaceful. When the Star God is angry, natural disasters occur to punish those who have forsaken his blessing.

The Star God was also said to send his own children to the Earth to cleanse it by their fang and claw. These children would be known by one thing; they’d  bear the color of the galaxy upon their coat. To have both was a sign of a demi-god. These wolves, chosen by the Star God, were known as Star Children.

|||About The Barnett And Amsel Clans|||

The Barnett and Amsel Clans were in part targeted for their unusual beliefs in “sacrifices” and blood drinking. They were not your average wolves, with the first members of the Clans {the leaders Richard, Raelyn, Klavier, and Nadie} to be the first to start such practices. The four had grown up together as friends in the Mapleshade Valley Pack. It was as they got older that they were chased from the pack and started their own.

Sacrifices were typically chosen as plain, solid colored wolves. They were believed to be the most pure of the chosen “prey”. The chosen hunters would seduce loners or even other pack wolves into the pack area where all the members of the pack would drink blood from the sacrifice. While they did not necessarily outright kill their sacrifices they usually died from their wounds and blood loss.

The blood of the pure ones was said to ward away sickness, as well as help produce healthy litters. A female and a male that drank together was also said to be bonded for life. Usually however these sacrifices were only picked once a season, though special matings or festivities could also call for a sacrifice.

This was not something condoned by the Star God, and was frowned upon by other wolves of the valley.

|||History From Matthias' Point Of View|||

Matthias’ birth was not one that was celebrated. In fact, the child was not meant to be born at all.

The Barnett Clan, a pack once great, had been falling apart. Their leader, Richard Barnett, had been slain in battle alongside the leaders of the Amsel Pack. Many of the pack fell in battle beside him, swept away in a coop against the two great leading packs of Mapleshade Valley. All the remaining members of the Barnett Clan could do was flee with the sole heir of the Amsel Clan, hoping to rebuild what was lost.

It was no easy task. Richard’s only surviving daughter was betrothed to Kristoph Amsel in hopes that the remainders of the packs would unite. But the Amsel Clan turned their back on their leader’s son, abandoning him along with the Barnett Clan. Raelyn, Richard’s sister, was forced to take control of those who remained and unite them.

It was no easy task. More members would flee the already broken Clan, until all that remained were Raelyn and four members of the Barnett Clan -- Agatha, Jonathan, Priscilla, and Serena. It was around this time that Raelyn would meet a young man named Gautlier.

Gautlier was in a bit of a bind. He too had been betrothed, but had little experience with women and favored men. In exchange for shelter and food Rae was to teach him the ways of courting a lady, and the femme reluctantly agreed.

Much to everyone’s horror, however, Raelyn ended up pregnant. Gautlier wanted to provide for the child and the older woman, but the pack wouldn’t hear of it, and ruling against their young leader they would banish the pregnant Raelyn and her family back into the cold once more.

Raelyn would give birth to Matthias late into the fall season, close to when winter began to wrap it’s icy clutches on the world. Serena too, was pregnant, giving birth to her daughter and a stillborn. Falling into a heavy depression and feeling that she had failed her pack Raelyn would fall ill. She would not survive the winter.

Matthias was taken in by a grumpy Serena, though Kristoph was glad to have a son. The young lad was raised alongside Bridget and brought up to be lawful, though he could feel the cold stares from his surrogate mother whenever he was about. Wanting to live up to something greater than what he had been offered, the young man bid farewell to his family with the promise of one day making them proud.


-RARE Coat-

Blues, Purples, Magentas:: The colors of Dusk. These colors represent the darker, fiercer Star Children. Those who are ruthless and do what they must. Shady and generally feared, rather than respected for who they are.

Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Pink:: The colors of Dawn. These colors represent the lighter, happy-go-lucky Star Children. Those who are kind, just, and bring about the Star Gods Wisdom.

Solid Colors:: A massive no no! Amsel and Barnett prey on these wolves and would kill those born with pure coats.

Swirling Markings:: Just a more rare mutation.

-Uncommon Coat-

Green, Cream:: While not known as Star Children these wolves would generally be said to be blessed by the Star God. Green coated wolves were often believed to be of the earth, and were commonly made into medicine wolves.

Regular Shaped Markings:: Slightly rare mutations.

-Common Coat-

Black, Brown, White, Silver:: The colors of most of the Barnett / Amsel Clans.

Odd Shaped Markings:: Very common! All wolves have some sort of marking upon them, whether rarely shaped or not.

|||The Family|||

Raelyn Barnett {5 Years -- Mother of Matthias} x Gautlier {4 Years -- Father of Matthias}::

The parents of Matthias. Gautlier was the leader of his own pack in the Mapleshade Valley, while Raelyn, after her brother's passing, was the leader of the Barnett Coven of a time.

Agatha Barnett {3 Years -- Older Adopted Sister To Matthias}

Agatha was adopted by Raelyn when she was just a child. She later found out that she resembled Raelyn's former mate, Mina. While it is unknown whether Agatha is truly Mina's daughter it was believed that Rae adopted her to cope with losing Mina shortly before Agatha was found. Agatha received her name from Raelyn and was extremely loyal to her. She was strongly against the supposed "alliance" that her mother tried to form with Gautlier's pack that resulted in the woman's pregnancy. She does not blame Matthias for his birth, unlike Serena.

Is a proud being. She walks with a limp in one leg.

Richard Barnett {5 Years -- Uncle To Matthias}

The leader and original founder of the Barnett Clan. Is the twin brother of Raelyn. Was strong, yet had a gentle side. Loved to laugh and mingle with others.

Serena Barnett {3 Years -- Female Cousin To Matthias} [Nora x Richard Barnett]

The daughter of Richard Barnett. Absolutely hates her adopted son, Matthias, and blames him for Raelyn's death. Is also strongly against Gautlier's pack. Was originally against Kristoph, her mate, due to being forced into mating him. Very headstrong, spirited, and fiery. One of those who knows what she wants when she wants it.

Kristoph Amsel {3 Years -- Mate To Serena} [Nadie Amsel x Klavier Amsel]

An asshat, to put it bluntly. Kristoph loves his family, but knew very little about courting or treating a lady when he first met Serena. It was only through her sticking with him that he learned at all.

Bridget Barnett {Two Years -- Second Female Cousin To Matthias} [Serena Barnett x Kristoph Amsel]

Mostly up to the adopter! She is the daughter of Serena and Kristioph and grew up alongside Matthias. The only requirement is she is not outright mean to him, even if she doesn't like him deep down. Is likely ambitious.

Jonathan Barnett {Six Years -- Adopted Uncle Of Matthias}

Raelyn's close friend. He was adopted into the Barnett Clan. Not much is known about him other than the fact he fathered Priscilla.

Priscilla Barnett{Two Years -- Adopted Cousin of Matthias} [Joan x Jonathan Barnett]


Mainly up to the adopter otherwise.

Alec Barnett {One Year -- Adopted Nephew Of Matthias} [Agatha Barnett x Gabriel]

-Likely uncommonly marked and or colored. Is Agatha's son from a one night stand. Is seen as a prodigy.


They just won't be blood related to those above, and were adopted in. Bolded names are adoptable, striked out are dead, and italicized are simply not for grabs unless someone shows major interest.