
Congratulations, I Hate You



5 Years
11-08-2015, 12:40 AM

Fall had arrived. The crispness in the air was something wholly unique to the season, sailing on cool breezes with falling leaves. It was pretty. Nagendra didn’t like the cold too much, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate it. Natural happenings – even those he was familiar with – were always a wonder to him. The way the grass crinkled and browned and the way naked trunks of the deciduous trees stood against pale skies were all taken in with renewed awe. Everything worked together magnificently – a waltz of so many different things that came together to form one whole, harmonious picture of the coming cold and of the ritual of temporary death that the world succumbed to.

This was only half of what Nagendra pondered about as his inquisitive soul wandered across the farmland. It was good to be back. But it was still a bit strange – his spat with Valentine having left a bad taste in his mouth despite the seeming reconciliation. For a remedy, he had decided to visit numerous locations in Imperium and repair his thoughts and spirit with mediation. A good soaking in nature would do him well – it always did.

He walked for a few minutes, grateful for his aloneness. There was something soothing too about walking by oneself. He smiled faintly before transferring his attention to his present environment and noticing someone. A pale young man, someone he’d never seen before, sat outside a den up ahead. Nagendra slowed his pace as he approached, observing with curious jade eyes. He was handsome – alabaster and gray and black, with dark green eyes. He also looked a little frustrated. Nagendra paused a few yards away, cocking his head a little. ”Hello there,” he offered, entirely unaware of the other’s situation.