



3 Years
11-08-2015, 02:33 AM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2015, 10:19 AM by Evelyn.)
Out-of-Character Name: Arin
Age: 21

Character's Name: Ayla
Character Age: 2
Season of Birth:  Spring
Adult Height: 27"
Appearance Description:

Ayla could be described as a "sunset". Her colors are vibrant, bright, a blessing. Hues of magenta coat her form, starting at a bright but vibrant shade and darkening to a near black as the furs descend towards her paws and points. Highlights of purple/magenta cuts through her fur, along her cheek, through, belly and flank. What really makes her coloration so vibrant, so rare, is the gold that accents it. On the right side of her face, a whisk of gold starts from her chin, flowing up to her eye and ending in a swished point, with another small line of gold curving just under her eye. The same gold paints both of her forepaws before swirling up in whisks of golden flames, fading in ways and sharp in others before curling up along the edge of the point where her leg meets body and ending in a flame like whisk, fading along her ribcage before ending about half way to her hind legs. In a similar way, gold would swirl around her hind knees, not quite touching flank or paw. Her eyes, themselves, are two little suns smoldering upon her face, a bright yellow-gold, warm with affection or burning with rare rage.

While Ayla is exquisite in coloration her size is...something else. She is small by her family's standards, but not any less large in personality. At full height she stands at a..."adoreable" 27" to the shoulder. Her weight hardly tops 80lbs, and it shows. She has a delicate body, small but built. She is both powerful and fragile, a whisper and a roar. Thick furs colored by the gods, her body sculpted by her hands. She is truly...blessed.

One day, when Gwen wasn't being particularly "wicked" he had given her one of his pretty roses, which Ayla keeps tucked and tied behind her ear. She says she keeps it, whenever asked, because its pretty. But in truth, she secretly treasures the small red flower, knowing how hard her half brother had worked for the token.

Navigation and Intellect

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