



9 Years
11-08-2015, 04:19 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2015, 09:54 PM by Inga.)

Sharp gaze focused on the herd as she ran, searching, analyzing the health of the deer that fled before the ravenous vikings.  As the deer hit the river the herd began to splinter dramatically.  The stronger and healthier deer would surge through the stream while the weaker would struggle, the water doing some of the work of tiring out the prey but it also meant that the wolves would have to do their own swimming.  Well… who heard of a viking that couldn't manage a little water? "Onward my fellow Yfirians!  We will feast this day!"  Inga spied the target, an elderly cow hesitating just at the river's edge.  It smelt of fear and weakness. "There!  About 50 feet to the left of that willow tree, that old cow, that's the target.  Bernadette, Lyndvarr, Hani get on it's left flank.  Katja, Hárekr to the right.  I and Lauefy will bring up the rear.  Tear, rip, subdue this prey!  Kaprasíus the killing blow is yours."  

Orders giving she dove for the back, one of the most dangerous positions but she had enough experience to handle the hooves than the younger members and she was certain Laufey's size and strength would be an asset in this position.  Between wolves and water it was no surprise to see the cow suddenly leap into the river, it's legs pumping furious as it hit the river.  Inga's brow furrowed.  While it would be harder for the doe to kick out at the wolves and cause them injury it would also be difficult to drag a corpse out of the water. "Kapra, go ahead and cross, once the doe is partway out of the river kill it."

Leaping into the water herself Inga's short, but powerful legs beat against the current as she came up near the doe's left hip, her fangs lunging forward and tearing into the flesh, spilling blood as the doe bleated and kicked, surging toward the other shore.


Next round due the end of the day Nov 13th.  I figure we'll have them struggle with the prey this round then next round we can have the kill shot so at the moment order doesn't matter.  Keep it up guys, we're almost there!

EDIT:  New deadline is noon, Nov. 18th.  Since this seems to be a bit of a rough week for several members and this hunt will be counting for winter rather than fall (so no need to rush like mad) I'm tacking on 5 more days to reply.  I will be posting Inga the evening of the 18th.

EDIT 2  *shakes Yfirians*  Ok, last extension will be for Saturday at noon central time and then I'm posting Inga regardless if anyone else has posted or not.  I will not be pestering individuals to post.  Nyx feel free to play the deer and have Kapra make the kill shot whenever you like.  We'll just assume they managed to drive the deer where they want.  Also checked and for points we only need 3 rounds so come on ITS THE LAST ROUND DONT PISS OUT ON ME NOW!!