
Last swim of the year



6 Years
11-09-2015, 09:04 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2015, 09:57 AM by Voltage.)
He would only swim and search for a little longer, the cold already chilling him to the bone. He could only dive so many times, only search so many places before he, himself felt like he was drowning. Every second that went by without finding her the chances of never see his little girl again kept climbing. He turned back to the rock, climbing up onto it, panting heavily. It was all his fault...everything. He should have spent more time with them, should have taught them how to swim better…should not have…coddled them so much. It was all his fault.

With a growl he'd turn to look at the beach. Everyone was there...Everyone. Gaia...oh, how could he tell her their little girl was missing? It was then that he felt the familiar weight of Freewing and he'd turn his head to glance at the stark red bird. "Something terrible has happened." He choked before looking back at the beach, at his brother surrounding his terrified daughter, his mate searching for answers. Gale and Locha and Terrae were there...locha would probably be able to search the waters much better than he could. "Freewing, im going to go back to the beach. Can you do a sweep of the territory from the sky?" he asked with as much strength as he could muster before turning to the ocean. He made sure the bird had gotten off of him before he moved back into the water, paddling towards his family. He panted as he emerged from the ocean, his brows pinched and fear in his eyes. "Gaia..." he called, padding through the little crowd that gathered. (Where was everyone?!) He wanted to reach her, to hold her close. "Oh my little cloud, something terrible has happened…" He whimpered before looking at his family. Every second mattered.

"Current had fallen in the water and Illume jumped in after her. She got Current to the rock but…she was swept away." He said softly, looking at his brother for the strength he needed. Stormy eyes were so wide in his fear, in his panic. "We need to find her! Gale, run along the beach, any shore you can find. She may have reached land by now..." Hed whimper, turning to look at Locha then. "Please, search the waters….I..I looked as best as I could…but I am not as strong of a swimmer as you are." He wanted to cry, wanted to break down and cry. But there were matters the needed to be handled first. "Terrae, look at Current...she may need treatment. And stay on standby for if…when! For when we find Illie.…" They had to find his daughter…dear God, please say she was okay.…

(Posting Order slows things down do don't follow it =P)