
Tell Me What I Don't Want to Know

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
11-09-2015, 07:05 PM

Birna was about to dismiss the woman when she decided to ask another question. Another? What did Birna look like? An encyclopedia of- what the hell! Birna nearly growled at the mention of the name Aerndís and now that she took a moment to consider the fiendish Arcanum woman there was a resemblence both in appearance and name to the woman standing right before her. However, as much as Birna loathed Aerndís she had heard plenty of Dægmar and the woman's sacrifice for her children and thus she had to conclude that not all Thyre's were monstrosities. This woman was far more polite and honest than that other wretch.

Birna took a deep breath, both to soothe her irritation and also in preparation for delivering bad news to the woman standing before her. "I'm sorry… I do not have happy news for you but I can at least offer you an answer. Aerndís was slain in battle several seasons ago. Her sister Dægmar followed shortly after, slain by a bear defending her children. They've since scattered to the winds… although there was one girl at the siege who I believe went by the name Thyre… Karabela… yes I believe that is what Integra said her name was. Karabela Thyre. She's in Abaven now if you wanted to see at least some relation but I'm afraid that is all I can offer you. That information is free, I will not make you pay for miserable news…. now if that is all that you came here for I suggest you leave."

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