
There Came A Knocking At My Door... [Gerhardt]


04-14-2013, 07:34 PM

Golden eyes flickered about the kingdom that lay open before her. The concept of territory had always made her curious, an invisible line that marked the land as belonging to someone, something. There were no barriers, no traps or ambushes set upon the lines... the entire concept was based upon the simple concept of respect. If a wolf did not respect such a border, such an acquisition, what was to stop them from crossing it? Granted they would probably be met with extreme hostility... but ah well. Her pseudo-father annhilated trespassers on sight. her injury was beginning to throb, the infection spreading. She grinded her teeth, face morphing to unreadable stone. She needed to treat it, a good long soak in the river perhaps, after she was done here of course. She couldn't leave, she had been resting here too long, her scent would be to prevalent and she had no desire to be hunted. Not again anyway.

Her eyes locked upon the massive brute that sauntered towards her, his purple eyes catching her attention before anything else. the first thing to enter her mind was how badly he would have been tortured for such an oddity... well that was easy, they would have been ripped from his skull. She spoke nothing as he approached, speech was not always her forte and he splayed his jaws before her slightly distracted brain could storm up anything halfway intelligent. Charm dripped from his maw like disease from a whores taint. She found herself amused and slightly caught off guard. Kindness, was not something she was oft accustomed too.

"Curiosity? Intrigue? Desire for truth? Pick one. I have heard many things from many tongues about the packs of these lands, I do not indulge in gossip I was curious about your rulings, from what I understand you are the only leader with any sense of honor and decorum, I came to see for myself if such was true." Blunt and to the point her words came with curiosity and little else. Too much emotion was weakness and weaknesses were prayed upon.
