
Checking In, Catching Up



3 Years
04-14-2013, 08:00 PM

The gray creature had learned enough about what had been going on between her parents that she was worried. Observant ears had picked up the bits of gossip beginning to flow through the ranks, though it was swiftly hushed when Kamala approached, about her parents fighting and Adette . . . leaving? No, that couldn't be right. Her mother would never leave her. Especially not without saying goodbye. It didn't make sense. It couldn't be true. Her parents arguing was something that happened on a fairly regular basis, but the whispers of Adette leaving had Kamala on edge.

It was this that drew her to a slightly less frequented portion of Seracia's land, leaving behind the places where she might easily be listened in on. There, Kamala found a small clearing, one where she and her family could speak in comfort, and one that was off the beaten trail. Here, they would hopefully be able to speak in private.

It was about noon when the yearling finally tilted her head back and sang out for her family. Valkis, Maverick, Adette, and Gerhardt were summoned to her side. Now, they were not promised to come simply because she had asked for them, but she had questions to ask her father, and stories to tell her brothers. It was high time that they all gathered together and caught up on the things that had been going on within her Kingdom. Had Maverick heard of her betrothal? She had to tell him that, for sure. And she needed to talk to her parents.

Her thoughts came full circle with that, and came to settle once more upon her mother. Adette couldn't have left! She must have heard wrong.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.