
and they rose with voices ringing (Tinaro)


11-10-2015, 04:56 PM

Sooty grey legs would carry him across the territory, a keen eye carefully watching his surroundings as he took it all in, not paying too much attention to movement, but just enough to hear something rustle behind him, followed by a booming yet friendly voice that caused the boy to slowly turn, a grin on his face. Big guy? How was he a big guy compared to the big guy in front of him!? The question made him chortle a little bit as Tordo dipped his head in greeting. Helllllo.” He drew out his words, ever the sassy fellow though his words weren’t meant to be of any harm and he doubted that the guardian would take his words that way.

Emerald and buttery eyes carefully observed the man, noting his lighter scaled coffee brown fur and his piercing emerald eyes. “I’m Tordo.” He greeted, curious by the name before him. He had seen a few members of the pack around, though he couldn’t recall having met the one before him… curious, in his opinion, very curious, and enough for him to push the subject though the friendly stance assured him there was nothing to worry about.