



2 Years
11-10-2015, 05:37 PM

Out-of-Character Name: Rook
Age: 23

Character's Name: Stark
Character Age:2
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 36in
Appearance Description:
Stark is a startling white color, hence where he got his name. On occasion his coat will take on a dirty off-white color, but only because during these rare times he does not take great care of his coat. It at times will be matted and tangled, splattered with mud and other debris but give him time and he will be back to the brilliant pale that he was named after. His eyes are a brilliant amber, sharp and predatory and always on the look out. His coat, depending on the season can be both thick and fluffy- mainly during winter. In the spring his coat is blown and depending on how quickly he can shed it, he tends to look as if he is ripping parts of his fur out. In the summer, his coat is much thinner where his true size and musculature can be seen. In the fall, he once more begins to fill out in fur, readying himself for the coming winter.

Frame wise, he is quite sizeable, though far from the largest wolf around. He stands at a considerable height at 36 inches and an average of 160 pounds during the good months, though he drops about 10-15 pounds in the harsher months. Despite his young age, Stark has lived the life of a rogue and because of that, he has good amount of scars across his body, though they are mainly prominent on his muzzle and limbs where his thick fur does not cover so well.  Stark may at times appear to be a fattened wolf, but he is a muscular predator, ready and able to drag and pull down animals far heavier than himself.

Skills:Fighting & Navigation

Proof of Purchases: