
Spreading Your Love From The Tip Of A Sword



9 Years
11-10-2015, 09:25 PM
His sharp blue eyes would stare straight at the man, watching him intently. His gaze was narrowed, his nose wrinkled, and it felt like fire licked at his belly. And then that word. He felt something snap, probably his last strand of clear, proper thinking. "Boy?!" He spat. They were about the same age! He raised his lips slowly, staring at this strange and annoying man. He stared at his mismatched eyes, at his markings, at his body shape before returning back to his eyes. Arcus decided then and there that he desperatedly hated this man. Whatever his name was. Stupid Pest, getting him into this mess. Not another word would fall from his lips as he glared at the man, feeling the cool autumn air comb through his thick unruly fur. His stare was so intent, holding himself in the most dominant that he could, that he wouldn't even notice if Pest suddenly combusted on his shoulder. And then.

He'd snort then, one brow raising slowly. He felt so confident, so enraged, that he didn't even stop to thing. Make him? Oh...he would. He would make him, and take that pretty gold eye with him. He'd shift his gaze to the side, staring at his bird in his peripheral before gently shrugging him off. He'd look back at the male then, shifting slightly on his paws before, like a coil, he would push all his weight onto his hind legs and leap the 5 feet between them. In this motion his body would fluidly take on his stance. Chin would tuck to protect his throat as jaws parted wide, aiming for a solid and severe grip on the male. He aimed to latch his jaws onto the left of Hare's face, aiming to shove his upper jaw in and around the bright gold eye of the man, while his bottom jaw sought to grasp under Hare's jawbone. At the same moment he sought to slam his chest into the males, his right forward rolling forward in a lance to strike into Hare's left, where the shoulder bone met the rest of his chest. He wanted to bruise, to jolt the tendons or ligaments in the shoulder and render the limb near useless for the duration of the fight. His eyes would narrow at this, ears pulling back quite quickly and his paws finding purchase in the earth, toes and claws biting into the earth for purchase. He'd hold them at shoulder width apart, his hind legs at a hip width with his knees bent and loose. His left shoulder that wasn't put forward in the attack would roll to protect his neck, fur along his back piloerecting. Hackles would stand on end, to try and protect the rest of his body, while his tail tucked beneath him...just in case. At the last second he would shift his balance, redistributing his weight among his three limbs as he raised his left forepaw, swiping it forward in an attempt to wrap around and hopefully tug the man's own right leg out from under him, to try and pull him into the shoulder thrust.

Arcus vs Hare
Rnd 1 of 2
For maim (half blinding in left eye)