
It Has Come To This



4 Years
Dire wolf
11-11-2015, 12:18 PM

The gods surely had it out for him, bringing her here. She laughed again and called him big brother, his ears so tightly pressed against his head that they didn't even look like they were there. As Ayla moved to his side he stood up, looking down at her with his green and yellow eyes narrowed. She was so small he could sit on her and flatten her, but that would hardly go over well. Besides, there was a small, tiny, itty bitty part of him that did love her. Deep, deep down. Very deep down. He huffed at her words of helping, teeth clenching almost painfully. "And the elders let you come? After all that is going on at home, you don't think they need their all powerful seer back home?" He asked, an obvious sneer in his voice. But apparently the gods sent her to him, which just furthered his believe that they had it out for him. And after everything he had worked so hard to get! He rolled his stocky shoulders forward, the bushel of roses on them moving up towards his neck. She just went on and on about being talented and good at what she did. Grumbling to himself he began to walk around the rock face, careful not to slip into the icy shallows. While he had been hungry before, all sensation to eat left at her being here. But maybe... maybe he could chew on her a little bit. He smirked at the thought, but kept moving along the shore until he came up to a large bolder, itching his left flank on the barnacle covered stone. She was getting under his skin already, he could almost feel her purple and gold body worming its way to every button that he ever had. Her comment about it not being fun with him had him looking back over his shoulder at her, almost losing her tiny form in the bulk of his flowers. His brow raised, he guess that it was a... sweet sediment. His anger melted away a bit at seeing her look down, no matter how much he wanted to bite her ear off sometimes. But before long, it was gone, as Ayla spoke of finding a new home and food. Oh for the love of all... He was going to have to feed her too? "To bad you aren't a flanker." he grumbled, kicking at a stone at his paws. His once again narrowed eyes looked over at her, and then to the shallow waters below them. Fish darted away from his massive, looming shadow, and he licked at his chops. He had to admit, at the thought of food his appetite was slowly returning. "But as long as you are here," he said with a big, heaving sigh, "we might as well get something. Are you up for seafood or should we look for something a little more... warm?"

"Talk" "You" Think