
Tag, You're It. [Pup training]



11 Years
Dragon Mod
11-12-2015, 01:08 AM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2015, 01:19 AM by Kakashi.)

Only three? He guessed it would have to do. Maybe the other kids were off gallivanting in their own adventures, they would be missing out on a rather interesting training today. Maybe he would talk to the alpha afterwards, assuming the kids continued to miss lessons in the future. The stoic male scented them as they approached, the first arrival being Alien's son. Crimson gaze steadily looked at the young boy, form unmoving as he asked his question. "Yes, but you three will suffice." His gaze betrayed a slight hint of teasing, "Three is the perfect number after all."

For this at least. Rivaxorous approached next, offering help to the other child before greeting him. The boy offered a respectful dip of his head, a brow quirking slightly. It had been odd to see a kid show respect, different then the usual rambunctious rogue kids he had thought in the past, but this he liked. "Rivaxorous, glad you could make it." Finally, his sister Holly would show, her familiar language a welcome addition to his life as it was his more native tongue. He nodded slightly to her, tail twitching a bit as he waited for them to settle. He would remain quiet, knowing no one else would show, but he would let the air stir with awkwardness and suspense for the kids.

Finally after a long moment of silence, he would make the slightest movement. Gaze moving from one to the next as he shifted on his paws. "Alright, let's get started. Today I'm going to show you a valuable skill, one that can be used for many things. Who can guess what it is? Fighting? Hunting? How to fly? Go ahead, take a crack at it." He made no gesture towards the three mice at his feet, giving the floor to the three assembled kids now to see who or if they could guess today's lesson.