
Buried Bones



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-13-2015, 09:38 PM

The pair watched as the bird flew off for their request, and Sin would promptly fall to his haunches before sliding down onto his stomach. It had been quite the long day, and he wanted to be here no more then a couple days so he could get back to his children, and gather up the family. Although Forsaken and Paradox had not participated, he was somewhat glad they hadn't. It was two less for the other packs to claim. Now, however, he had to think about what to do next. The loss of the pack wasn't all that great, he figured perhaps he had gotten too soft, resulting in their loss. Lack of training, lack of discipline. It would change with the next rising. Yes...he would return to power.

Seifer watched the man in silence, leaving him with his thoughts as he strode across the deck to look overboard. Crimson gazed watched as the bird returned with a bundle of herbs, and when she landed, he would take them and make his way towards Sin. He quirked a smile as he worked, placing the seeds in front of sin as a low warning growl indicated he'd better take them. Sin did not protest, simply taking the seeds with one swipe of his tongue as the lynx worked on his wounds. He remained still as the cat chewed up a poultice and placed it on his eye, following up with cobwebs to hold it in place. Tattered ear listened to the bird as she admired him.

"Not all us wolves mark our pelts this way. So far I'm the only one I've seen mark themselves with blood. It is a sign of my...intentions upon this world. Similar to your customs, I suppose." He shifted as Seifer finished up, pulling himself to a sitting position as the cold and herbs numbed the pain on his face and body. The cat looked towards Flamie then, an amused twitch of his tail and flick of his ear showed his interest in her. "Thank you, Flamie. Where are my manners, my name is Seifer. And this, is Sin. Pleasure."