
Lesson Learned



5 Years
11-14-2015, 02:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto only had eyes for Jakart as he stepped over her, and as she continued to hold his gaze her heartbeat sped in anticipation. Oh gods, she needed this. One little taste of the right sort of partner, of him, had opened a new world of pleasure to her, and had turned her season away from being something to be feared to being something that only needed to be prepared for. If not for her plants, she knew her moodiness and anxiety would have made her insufferable and driven even this most patient of wolves away. But with them, she was able to enjoy what Jakart offered her, to give in to her body’s needs without regret, and rest easy knowing it was all temporary. She never expected to become such a slave to her desires during this time, not with the horrendous start to it that she had been given, but she felt safe now, comfortable, and with enough control that she no longer felt the need to worry.

She should have expected the kiss, but it was still new and strange to her, and caught her off guard when she felt his tongue enter her mouth. For the span of a second, she was confused – did she reciprocate in kind? Just let it happen? As he kissed her again, however, Calli felt him shift further over her, aligning his body with hers, and very suddenly the gesture became thrilling. Odd or not, the intruding kiss seemed to signify some level of intimacy for Jakart, something that he needed, and since getting him to want this as much as she did was important, she murmured a quiet, low sound of pleasure against his lips as she returned the kiss with fervor, wrapping her grey forelegs around his sides to draw him closer while her tail thrashed once in a candid gesture of excitement.

Very quickly things were becoming heated between the two wolves, and from the sidelines Belladonna rolled her eyes. "Can’t even wait for me to leave," she complained loudly as she turned in place and began to walk away, shaking her head over how quickly she had won her wager. She had known from the start it was going to happen, but they had surprised her by losing control so soon. Callisto had even less restraint than Bella had originally thought she did. Walking was not getting her away from the pair’s hormonal rages fast enough, and hearing another moan from Calli the black cat bounded forward into a run and fled the scene, leaving them to enjoy their rendezvous alone. The healer was oblivious to her companion, unable to spare enough thought to wonder whether she had listened to her warning to leave or not, and remained too wrapped up in Jakart, in his kisses, in his touch, to think of anything but the delight, the expectancy, as he succumbed to desire with her.
