
That would be enough..



3 Years
11-14-2015, 10:22 PM
Ayla continued to move along, her eyes searching for any sign of excape from this cruddy cavern. What was this, anyways? She'd tilt her head as she moved, staring up at the forests at her sides, up and up. It was like she was stuck, in a cage, surrounded by walls she couldn't dare to climb. It was dangerous, wasn't it. It was dangerous here. With a slow sigh she'd lower her head and swallow at her nervousness. Great, just great. There had better be an exit!

Suddenly she froze, gold eyes growing wide as she stared at a woman in the distance. She would freeze, all four paws square on the earthen floor as she stared. Her furs were a reddish hue, and she would slowly tilt her head, reguarding her. She was naturally larger (then again, wasn't everyone), and Ayla felt rather threatened as she woman shouted over the distance. But Ayla would use her best weapon and greatest defense. She smiled. Her expression softened, and she giggled, tilting her head almost cutely as her ears fell back, embarrased. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry stranger." She called over the distance, laughing again. "I seem to have gotten myself into a tad bit of a pickle. I'm horribly lost. Have I troubled you?" She would open her eyes, which she had closed in her smile, to regard the female, smiling her pleasant smile and wondering what she would do. If Ayla had to run, she might not be able to make it somewhere safe. Oh, hopefully Gwen wasn't too far from her.

"Burn Baby Burn"