

Marina I


7 Years
11-14-2015, 11:09 PM

She was a mother on a mission, and hell if anyone was going to stop her. The femme had noticed, as she got ready to lay to rest, that one of her children was unaccounted for. Her girls were all present, near the den, but her son was not. Marina had called for him... but he did not answer. Ren was gone.

Like a bat out of hell Marina charged through the lands, stepping on twigs and fallen leaves with little care. They crunched underpaw, and her steps, quick and heated, would lead her on. It was only once she found Ren's scent that she felt any sort of relief... but it was short lived. The further it drew her away from their home the more fervent her own movements became. Find her baby. She needed to find her baby.

...and the battlefield was no place for a youngling. Her eyes would narrow as she first stepped into the area, breathing hard as she kept up her pace. She wouldn't stop until she found him, and god help whomever dared approach her son. Not that she knew her children had already begun interacting with strangers... but the protective urge of the mother would keep her from letting too many of them pass. If one of her babies got hurt... oh that would be it...!

The femme's bi-colored pink and red eyes would fall upon them. Two females and her son, crouched to the ground. She could only assume the worst, with the state her mind was in, and flying forward with a snarl she leaped before the babe, landing on the ground hard as she snarled at the two females.

"GET AWAY!" Spittle flew from her mouth, and the dame surely had to look as though she was mad.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]