
Dirty Little Secret

Marina I


7 Years
11-14-2015, 11:19 PM

Why, why couldn’t her children stay in place? Marina was once more moving like a she-demon through the lands, ears pinned flat against her head and tail flowing out behind her like a banner. First Ren, now Zeph. She knew she couldn’t protect her babies forever... But they weren’t even adults yet! Hell if she’d lose any of them. She’d need to have a talk with them all soon, very, very soon. The femme could feel worry gnawing at her heart as she tracked Zephyra into the swamp. Gods above, why did her children pick the most dangerous places?

Her heart would leap to her throat as she saw the creature in the water. Making it’s way towards her baby. Oh. Hell. No.

The rainbow femme could feel something stir within her. Something that had not been awoken since the death of her parents. A snarl ripped through the air as she shot towards Zephyra, towards the water and towards the beast that dare eye her child in such a way. The other female was ignored for the time being as Marina moved not only to Zeph, but past her as she dived in the water. She’d fight this damn thing head on.

But the muck of the water would surprise her. She’d stumble, the ground sucking at her paws beneath the water. The crocodile’s attention was diverted, but there was no way Marina was going to fight it here. She’d try to back up, hackles raised as she watched the thing come closer. Whatever it was... It was going down! Through the water it moved quickly, towards the snarling femme. “Zephyra get out of here!” She snapped at her daughter, baring her fangs at the creature that edged closer and closer.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]