
Don't sink in the sand!


04-15-2013, 05:26 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 06:15 AM by Epiphron.)

Coming to a stop Tikaani dropped the prey and looked up into the sky. So many questions are running through her mind, so many questions that she knew that would go unanswered. Her green eyes closed as she let out a sigh, so this is what true hurt felt like. It sucked and she knew that, the pain was unbearable. How could anyone live through this, HOW! She had loss everything that had mattered to her.

They all gone and disappeared up on her. Left her with no warning, no trail to follow, just left. Did she not matter to anyone, was she just that pup who's own family did not want her. Sorrow seemed to consume her heart as she slowly laid herself upon the mud. If she was to die right here and now, would anyone care? Her ears pinned to her head as her muzzle dropped into the mud. She laid there upon the ground, with no fight left in her. She wanted to give up and give in.

The voice of the dame who had confronted her earlier came in to her range of hearing. The female spoke to her with kind words, and did not care if she yelled at her. This was strange could someone want to try to talk to me? She raised her head up from the mud and arose to her feet. 'Who was this dame, she came right up to me after i basically threatened her.' So many questions left unanswered. Tikaani nodded and walked to the cave like area.She begun to speak this time in less of a violent tone. "Who are you, you came right up to me and insist on having a conversation." This was weird, and she could not think of anything that could rationalize this.

"Most people leave me alone, to them i am the child who was abandoned ok." What was she doing telling this stranger her life story. The female was just easy to talk to, like she was her own mother. It was strange, but Tikaani felt like that this dame actually cares."I am Tikaani" She spoke as she sat down looking at the female.


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