
Don't sink in the sand!


04-15-2013, 07:21 AM

Rivers, they ran in so many directions. One path, the lost memories that she would never know, Another, the cruelty of her sister who told her she was worthless. She had endured so many different streams and so much disappointment. Champion had seen it for a moment. The weight of the world that still clung to the behemoths shoulders. Yet she still walked this world as if she was untouched by it all. Yet, still her mind fell and her world twisted from time to time. When memories threatened to become reality and the pain was far too much to bear.

?Your eyes. They speak a world that I remember or maybe I?ve forgotten.? She said softly. Her ears fell back for a moment as a tear fell down her face. ?Broken is what they called me. a monster. A freak. I?d mean nothing and id die with nothing.? She said with a distant voice. Their faces were laughing in her eyes. She was that tiny child shivering in the shadow of the reaper who came to steal her father?s soul. How could they let it happen? How could they all turn on them? She shook her head at the memories. She wanted nothing to do with them. She wanted to remain in the here and now and use the strength of her pack to keep her in tuned with reality.

?Tikaani.? She said the name. She wanted to remember the child who smelled like blood and desolation. She smelled of Kaios and she knew the pack the child had come from. How ironic was it she kept finding lost Tortugans? Already two had found their home in her kingdom and had found their happiness. She smiled faintly at the thought of Kaios. He had become a pleasant surprise. ?Your from tortuga.? She said mater of fact. She wondered what their king would think if they kept coming into her realm.

?I am Newt Saxe, The Reine of Lentajin.? She offered in response. Her violet gaze shifted heaven wards as the rain pelted down on them. ?Now then, shall we get out of this rain or shall we catch our colds together? I wouldn?t mind much but you see I am carrying pups and I am unaware if they can suffer any more disasters their mother might face.? She said with a smile. Her tail flicked behind her, droplets spraying behind her. She was thick enough that the cold didn?t bother her but the youth would be shivering soon enough.