
So Scary



6 Years
Extra large
11-15-2015, 06:20 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2015, 06:21 PM by Glacier.)

His sweet Anais seemed to have no doubts that he would make a great father, and certainly it bolstered his resolve to know she believed in him raising a child along side her. His body shook a little with a warm laugh as she pointed out that they both had had practice in this area. Perhaps they had, through he didn't know how much actual raising he could account for. Nonetheless, their siblings had turned out stable and comfortable with their lives, and that certainly wasn't thanks to their neglectful parents.

He sighed contently and nestled his head on the space between her ears, shifting it gently back and forth to flatten her hair and create a comfortable spot to rest a small portion of his weight. His eyes drifted out to the breath taking view of the ocean stretched out before them before he let his eyes slide back to his Anais. She easily outmatched the beauty of the scenery, and she was the thing he most wanted to rest his eyes upon. “You are so beautiful, sweet Anais” he whispered gently, poking his tongue out he used it to pull her ear into his mouth where he playfully tugged it. “I want no one but you” he added through his mouth full of ear. Letting go he moved away slightly to fall to the earth with a soft thump, an 'humph' escaping his body at the impact before he shuffled and rolled so his back was on the earth and his paws hang up in the air. He looked up at Anais playfully “Wont you join me?” he teased her, through he was worried about pushing her, was she ready to go the distance today? Or would she rather wait a little while longer.
