


04-15-2013, 08:04 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 08:06 AM by Awaken.)

Awaken was lying in a nearby bush, his tail swishing occasionaly. His big black body blending with the shadows making him practicaly invisable. His eyes rose up as he noticed the wounded elk limping by... He wasnt nessicarily hungry so he left the wounded beast be. Untill... That bird landed... He reconized the bird from his spar... Revenge is sweet.

?? ? Awaken snuck up to his feet. Sneaking around in the shadows untill he was close to ezekial. He waited and then lept, not meaning to kill the bird, he just wanted to tackle him down and have some fun with him. He then realized the bird was already in the trees. His ears perked forwaed as he looked up at Ezekial with a look that just said 'WTF.'

?? ? ?Awaken decided to do his 'random act of kindness' for the day and lowered his muzzle to the deer and asphixiateing it to kill it, then moved back on the carcas and bit off alittle from its ribs. Tesiously tearing the skin away from the flesh on a big patch of beast then looking back up at Ezekial. "you seriously dont think i can eat this by myself do you?" He laughed back at Ezekial. Awaken was never above sharing meals with any other hungry creature, be it wolf or be it squaking fowl.

(ooc: imma join in on this cause i love the bird!)
Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)