
So Scary



5 Years
11-15-2015, 11:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais's golden eyes followed Glacier's gesture as he smiled and brought her attention to one of the clouds overhead. She was still nervous and it took a bit for her to concentrate and see it the way he saw it, in the shape and form of a turtle, but after a little looking she thought she recognized it. "I see it." It made her smile, though the waiting still grated on her. Relax, she told herself. Getting herself worked up over it was not going to do her any good, and eventually Glacier would notice. She did not want him thinking she was getting cold feet, that there was any doubt in her mind about what she had suggested and asked of him or that she was worried about what was to come. She knew, more or less, what it would entail, but it did not stop it from making her nervous.

She turned her head and settled her gaze his way again, and was not surprised to see him smiling her way, a mischievous sort of quality about his silver gaze. It almost made her blush again, and she was grateful when he scooted close enough for his head to rest against hers since it made it more difficult for him to see her face. There was still that little temptation that spoke to her and suggested she move closer to him, but again she told herself to relax.

They were starting a game, it seemed. Glacier once more drew her attention to the clouds overhead, and Anais spotted the one that he referenced. She laughed quietly as he associated it with his brother Voltage, and though it was a little harder to see than the turtle she thought the notion of it still quite funny. Searchingly she stared up into the sky, trying to cast aside her worry and instead take up their game. It took her a moment to find something worth noting, and eager to contribute, she turned her head slightly against his and lifted a paw to point. "That one looks a little like a fish." And it did, if she turned her head just a little. She hoped Glacier would see it too.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.