
Count on It [puppy birthing]


02-15-2013, 09:49 PM

As Chrysanthe went to leave, Collision was quick to give her guidelines. She didn't blame him. In this foreign land, getting lost could mean the difference between life and death, especially for a yearling like her. Soleil was lucky that she had Collision to stand with. Without him she would have no one. Without him she might have no made it out at all. She could be dead right now.

The female reached up, spontaneously snuggling into him and smothering him in love in a silent thanks. When he pronounced a name, she praised him for it. It was a wonderful choice and in return she get equal praise for her choice. So that left one. What would they name him? Both were quiet, lacking a suggestion to give him significance.

"WHAT ABOUT FIRE? NICE, SIMPLE," Soleil turned her eyes to Collision as he spoke before her. He received an "are you serious" face. The last thing she wanted to even think about was fire. "Gael." It came to her mind seemingly out of the blue so it was a rushed response. "What about Gael?" She asked, slowing her voice.

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