
Hm... fish.[OPEN]



9 Years
Extra large
04-15-2013, 10:51 AM

An ear flicked forward, a brow raising as she told the beast she had nothing against her kind. Maybe, not all wolves were the same of course, some wanted to either kill a bear or be scared and run off at the first scent of it on the wind or just a glimpse of one moving through the land. Most of the time they left Zanire alone, choosing to make her aware of their presence with a bark or growl so she wouldn?t attack, then slink off into the land. This made her feel good, it meant she wouldn?t have to scare them off or have to beat some sense into the wolves, something she hated doing since she had grown up with their kind. With that said, you could say she has respect for them, more than most bears did for sure.

The wolf explained that she didn?t mean to bother the bear, causing her to blow air through her nose slightly with a smirk. The wolf was just curious about the way she fished. Perhaps she never learned the technique for catching them, most likely since she looked to be pretty young, maybe a year or two, so she would?ve been out on her own not that long. Most wolves didn?t leave their birth-pack or parents until the age of one, sometimes two and they didn?t really fish, it just wasn?t on their list of meals, mostly hoofed prey. If she behaved, Zanire would consider teaching her how to catch them, but would have to alter it so that she could learn the wolf way. Each species had their own technique when catching prey.

Finally she got to asking the beast if she was different since she could understand her language. This caused the bear to give a nod of her head, shifting so that she sat straight up with both front paws planted on the ground before her between her back legs. Different, yes. Bears be alone, they like it and only talk bear. Me, she lifted a paw, touching herself on the chest. I meet wolves when young, they help when I hurt. I stayed with them, like not being alone, they teach me wolf talk. Her paw pulled away and was set back on the ground beside the other. Wolf talk hard, that why I sound? funny, broken. She explained to the wolf, nose twitching slightly before she turned her head away to glance down at her fish.

Zanire was not one to telling her life story to people she didn?t know. One, she didn?t like telling people her business, her life was her life and if she felt like telling somebody then she would. That was why she only told the wolf a little bit about herself, because she asked how she was different. What she told her was enough for that, not too little and not too much. The second reason was for if she just met somebody, why would she tell a complete stranger about her past? It was stupid, she saw no reason for telling them. Yeah they were nothing, she wouldn?t meet them again in the future or become best friends with them, but still. Would you tell a stranger you had sex with somebody? No, that was personal stuff.
