



7 Years

11-16-2015, 10:14 PM

The more and more Zell spoke, the more he began to feel his anger rise above. His lips curled back into a snarl as his eyes narrowed, raising himself back to his paws as he squared off against the the taller man. He didn't care that there were six inches separating them, it meant nothing to him. His hackles rose as his tail rose to align with his spine, head doing the same as his shoulders rolled forward, easily bracing a fighters stance. Legs were equal distance apart and bent slightly at the knee, toes spread and claws biting into the ground. "You dare oppose me after all is said and done? Have you so little faith in your alpha? Of course we did not bring harm to their pups, in fact I am rather shocked that you knew anything about them having children, since none were even at the fight. No one knew. Are you telling me that you are a spy, trying to dig all this information out of me? I have always been an open alpha, and yet you say nothing until after the siege. Are you trying to change the past, Zell?" He shot at the man, pale ears laying flat against his skull. Well, he was tired of being questioned on every step that he took, he was the alpha for goodness sake. This man would learn his lesson for speaking out so rashly against Bass. Yes, all members were allowed their say, he would never turn that down. But the fact that this man clearly had no respect for Bass as all pissed him off to no end. The Azat was no doormat, and would no longer allow his members to think that they were getting away with speaking out like this. All packs had their order, and Zell needed to learn his place.

Without much else of a pause, Bass attempted to close the distance between them. They had been standing pretty close, if Zell had not moved there would probably be about three feet between them. Bass aimed to align himself so that his left shoulder would slam into the lower center of Zell's chest, an equal distance apart from each shoulder. At the same time Bass' head tilted to his left, jaws parting. The smaller man aimed to reach his jaws upwards, seeking to grasp a hold on Zell's neck. His lower jaw aimed for the left side of Zell's neck, about in the center of the outer portion of his neck. Bass' top jaw aimed for the center of Zell's throat, hoping to sink in his teeth deep enough to gain a hold, and hopefully apply enough pressure on the red masked man's windpipe to knock the taller man out. Without hesitation Bass' weight shifted to his own right, his left front paw raising and aiming to quickly slam down on the top of Zell's front right paw. He hoped that the force would be enough to crush some toes and leave the taller man slightly off balance.

Round 1 of ?

"Talk" "You" Think