
Checking In, Catching Up


04-15-2013, 11:22 AM

Too much was happening, he couldn't wrap his head around it. Fur was still thin in the area where Syrinx had torn it away from his cheek, but the bruising had gone. He was thankful for that, as it would not bode well to wander around Seracia with a mysterious wound. He was certain no one would notice the thinner fur, and if they did they'd have to be extremely close to him, and have memorized his face well. His mind circulated around Epiphron, as it almost always did now. It was pitiful, really, how much she bogged down his mind with memories about her face, her fur, the sweet sensation of her touch, of her kiss. He wanted so badly to wrap himself around her, but he knew he could not. Not today. Not for.. what was it.. three more days? They had agreed to meet in the plains near the ravine, hopefully this time her brother wouldn't tag along, and hopefully his wouldn't show up unannounced. The last time Valkis had pledged his desires to kill their father, their father! Syrinx hadn't been much better, practically vowing to rip Maverick apart if he ever saw Epiphron again.

Things were supposed to get easier as you grew up. As you aged, childlike simplicities became complex, but easier to understand. Things changed, wolves changed, and yet.. things only seemed to be getting harder for him, for everyone. He'd heard Gerhardt and Adette arguing last night, but hadn't paid much attention. Frankly, he'd have been surprised if they hadn't been arguing. Lately, it seemed like all they were good at. Still, this time it had been his father yelling, that wasn't like the King. Usually it was his fiery mother that did the hollering, Gerhardt usually just took it with a grain of salt and spent his time trying to quell the Queen's anger. No this was definitely different, but how different.. the boy could not be sure. Thoughts shifted from that line to one that surrounded Epiphron again, this time fueled by frustration and woe at her lack of putting up a decent defense for him. Here he was, risking his life to see her, and she couldn't even attempt to make her brother see how good he was?

The sun told him it was noon, or just before or just past, he wasn't certain. What he was sure of, was that he'd wasted his morning thinking about pointless things, and doing nothing - absolutely nothing - productive. He'd been contemplating calling for Gerhardt, to question him about last night and inform him of Valkis' plans, but he had yet to gain the courage or the will to do so. A howl rang out, Kamala was the caller. Maverick tilted his ears to the sound, relishing in the familiar notes, and finding that they beckoned the entire family. Apparently Kamala had something to address. The Prince rolled from his lying position and pushed himself upward onto his paws, trotting toward his sister's melody which had faded out already. He knew where she was though, he knew every inch of Seracia. She wasn't far off either, and before he knew it he was arriving on the scene, drifting toward her like a phantom. With a smile he would seek to press his muzzle against her cheek gently. "Kamala," Tail flickered behind him peacefully, despite the many things weighing down his heart and mind. "Needing a bit of family time?"
