



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
11-17-2015, 01:45 PM

Blue eyes watched Bass, though his look did not change as he watched his alpha get riled up. He listened to him, though his own lip curled when Bass did not answer the questions he wanted to know. Instead, calling him a spy. That was ridiculous! He snarled, teeth baring at Bass. If he was to be accused of something he didn't do, so be it. "Why would I have faith in the morals of a pack who claims to brag about what they supposedly are? Family this, family that! Well I lost my family to the grip of death! But of course you wouldn't know that because you never cared to ask. Stuck in your own little perfect world!" This guy hadn't earned his respect. So why trust him? Maybe after this...just maybe.

He would set his defenses swiftly soon as he saw Bass setting his, ears pinning to the back of his head, eyes narrowed, hackles rising and stiffening along his spine, tail flagged out to align with his spine, head lowered to align as chin tucked. His toes splayed over the dirt, claws biting angrily at the earth. Shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck as he pulled his head back a little to bunch the loose skin around his scruff. Legs spread equidistant apart, knees bent slightly. His lips curled, teeth fully bared. "Nothing we do can change the past!" He snapped. He knew that all too well, yet some still tried.

Bass would surge forth to try and close the few feet between them, and Zell would immediately seek to rise on his hind legs, weight shifting to his hind end as he balanced himself. He would seek to wrap his forelegs around Bass' neck and shoulders, right foreleg aiming to wrap around Bass' left shoulder, and his left foreleg aimed to wrap around his right side. He would strive for a bear hug, to bring the smaller male closer and try to use his weight and height to his advantage. Bass' charge attempt would hit, though the force wouldn't be quite strong because of the close proximity. Instead, Bass' left shoulder would strike the lower part of his chest, about three inches lower then where his alpha had intended, causing mild bruising but nothing more.

Bass' intent to slam his toes would ultimately fail the second he rose, thus saving his toes from damage so far. Through narrowed eyes, the young male would spy Bass' attempt to bite him, so Zell would strive to counter. Tucking his chin further over his throat, he would tilt his jaws to his lower left, jaws gaping as he aimed to grip Bass' top jaw in his own. Upper canines sought to wrap over the far side of Bass' jaw, and lower canines sought to wrap beneath his top jaw [COUNTER]. He didn't want to severely hurt the guy, he simply sought to grip and apply enough pressure to make him back off.

Zell VS Bass for DOMINANCE

Round 1/2


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