
call me a sinner, call me a saint (Bass)


11-18-2015, 01:32 PM
Father-Son time!

There had been a certain amount of confusion behind the child’s eyes as he had witnessed the return of the soldiers, some of which were wounded. This had concerned him, yes, but it intrigued him more so than ever. Lark had told him awhile back that it was not a matter he should pay mind to, but it was difficult for him to accept. Still, he held his tongue, the tri-colored pup remaining silent about the matter no matter how much the questions dug at him. He had done some silent poking around, though he hadn’t come up with any evident answers other than the fact there had been a siege.

What was a siege? Tordo still wasn’t sure but it had sounded kind of cool. Perhaps this was why he was actively trying to seek out his father – his father would know what a siege was, being the leader and all, and perhaps he would be willing to answer the questions. They had been back for forever, injuries all healed to their fullest extent for the most part, and Tordo was no longer able to hold his tongue. Thus, his wolf hunt began. “Dad?” He called out rather loudly as he looked around their new territory. Was his father lurking about?