
It Has Come To This



4 Years
Dire wolf
11-18-2015, 01:39 PM

Gwen eyed the woman thoughtfully as she spoke, head shaking slowly side to side. He could not help but grin softly though, Ayla had always had a way with words, he had no doubt that she was able to bend them to allow the elders to think that this was a good idea. Or better yet, that the gods told her. It wasn't that he doubted Ayla's abilities, but she had a quicksilver tongue, one that he had been lashed by many times. He met her orange gaze with his own as she spoke of the weight of this task, and he sighed as he nodded. Home was not what it used to be, and it broke the warriors heart. He had no idea how many comrades had fallen, how many Hallr has had to guide to their afterlife. His massive head hung softly, sending a quick thanks to the god. It wasn't easy being this far away from home, and he couldn't help but see the truth behind his half-sisters words. "I suppose that the faster we get this done, the better. Then, and only then can we return home and see our family to safety." He grumbled, very careful to not admit that Ayla was right. She would eat that up like fresh kill, if he ever spoke those words. But at her next set of words his head snapped up, narrowed gaze falling on her golden marked face. "I would have preferred to be at home fighting for our family, but the elder sent me. I can't very well turn them down, you know that." he growled, a touch of warning in his voice. He was not happy that he had been sent away, but this could only be another task set up for him by the gods to prove his name. To show that he was nothing like his mother.

More than happy to move onto another topic, he stood and stepped away from the pool of fish. He didn't feel like falling in, or being tempted to push someone else in. "Something warm sounds far better." he said, turning away and heading away from the waters edge. He wasn't sure what kind of large scale prey would even be around here. He doubted that they would see any rabbits in these rocks, but some more sure footed beasts just might dare to wader this way. Nostrils flared as he tried to pick up the scent of anything, and was surprise to catch the smell of seals. Ears pulled forward as his large frame crouched close to the rock surface, creeping over to the lip. Sure enough, a small group of seals sat sunning themselves, large flippers scratching at their exposed belly. Wordlessly he turned to Ayla, an eyebrow raising in question. Did she want these, or go for something else?

"Talk" "You" Think