
Duty Selection



04-15-2013, 01:07 PM
Hey Alacritis, We /finally/ finished our duties, which means, /everyone/ needs to select a duty that fits their character. Be careful upon selection, because your duty will not change, and you will not be allowed to alter it if you set a character inactive and revive them. To cut this short reply to this thread with each individual account what duty you want your character to have. Certain pixels are not done yet. Do not fret because you can't see an image.

Warrior Duties

[img]/images/Duties/Avenger.png[/img] Avenger

The avenger is typically the guardian of the lot. Taking damage for his/her allies s/he may be inclined to being a bit taller, thinner, and faster. Being an Avenger grants five extra points in a battle where s/he steps in to defend or fight for a character they have met before; the same also applies when defending his/her homeland.

[img]/images/Duties/Sentry.png[/img] Sentry

Sentries are warriors that specialize in defensive fighting. They usually use no more than one attack per round. They are usually heavily-built, like any other warrior class. These wolves are granted five extra points in a fight that they adhere to mostly defenses and one attack per round.

[img]/images/Duties/Warrior.png[/img] Warrior

Warriors are usually of any stature and are well rounded in both fighting and hunting, and they might dabble in healing. These wolves have a 20% more chance of a successful hunt and get two additional points in fights they are in.

[img]/images/Duties/Slayer.png[/img] Slayer

These are just pointless murderers. They tend to need little reason to kill and have many reasons to be angered. Typically a large wolf that utilizes size and more warrior inclined abilities to win battles. Being a slayer grants three extra points in any deathmatch, and five if your opponent is smaller.

[img]/images/Duties/Daredevil.png[/img] Daredevil

A risky, quick, fighter, the daredevil is typically the smaller opponent in a fight and will often be a better hunter, for s/he utilizes more speed. The daredevil receives a five point bonus in fights if its opponent is at least five inches larger than itself.

Hunter Duties

[img]/images/Duties/Tracker.png[/img] Tracker

Trackers may be of any size or build, however, due to the need for speed, the trackers might be lighter weight wolves. These wolves have higher senses of smell. They have a 20% chance of smelling the scent of another pack on any spy.

[img]/images/Duties/Fisher.png[/img] Fisher

These wolves excel at fishing, and being more dexterous than most wolves, they are inclined to being swifter or more efficient hunters. Granted a 40% chance of a successful fishing trip and 10% extra success in a land hunt of smaller prey.

[img]/images/Duties/Navigator.png[/img] Navigator

Navigators are highly knowledgeable in land formations, locations of packs or favorite hunting grounds, and other important landmarks. These wolves are excellent at finding their way around all of Alacritia and very rarely get lost. They are also skilled in hunting and fishing due to their knowledge of the land. Navigators have a 15% higher chance for a successful hunt.

Agent Duties

[img]/images/Duties/Assassin.png[/img] Assassin

Specializing in the art of murder this wolf may be inclined to being either a faster or stronger wolf than most. Being an assassin grants the bonus of seven extra points in any deathmatch that is a ?hired? job.

[img]/images/Duties/Spy.png[/img] Spy

A spy is typically one to show more craft in the intellect department. S/he is often clever, quick to the draw, and easily manipulates. They use stealth and keen senses to gather information or otherwise complete their mission.The spy receives five extra points in a battle or deathmatch if s/he is caught.

[img]/images/Duties/Saboteur.png[/img] Saboteur

A saboteur is one who fights with trickery, traps, and attrition. They know how to set up painful snares, pitfalls, ambushes, and lures, and have knowledge of using poisons to harm enemies. Saboteurs are clever and crafty, and always have a trick up their metaphorical sleeve.Wolves of this duty have a 10% chance of poisoning others. (Death may occur for those on the realistic PvP.)

Support Duties

[img]/images/Duties/Medic.png[/img] Medic

Specializing in the art of healing wounds the medic is typically a wolf that enjoys healing, or has a higher inclination for understanding herb usage. They may be poor fighters, and amateur hunters. However, a wolf healed by a medic may find themselves healing faster than they would have before.

[img]/images/Duties/Denmother.png[/img] Denmother/father

The denmother/father is typically an amateur fighter, to defend her/his young, a decent hunter, to feed her/his young, and an excellent healer excelling in birth assistance and the herbs that may be associated with it. Being a denmother/father grants a 40% extra chance that s/he may have a fourth pup in her/his litter for free.

[img]/images/Duties/Advisor.png[/img] Advisor

The advisor is an intelligent wolf with many important things to say. They are typically not accustomed to fighting and rarely find it useful to do so. Wolves of the rank, however, are decent hunters, and adequate healers. They are granted a 15% extra chance of success in a pack hunt, and can cut up to 5% of the time a wolf must adhere to the injuries they received in any kind of battle.

[img]/images/Duties/Runner.png[/img] Runner

The runner is a thinner and lankier wolf who is faster than most wolves. Runners are often chosen by packs to be messengers. Being a runner grants you a 40% chance to flee a battle you do not want to be a part of.