
We're going to the chapel and we're gonna be maaaaarried



9 Years
Athena I
11-18-2015, 07:58 PM

ooc: This isn't a required thread, but Leo would love all of Fiori's wolves to attend! There will be a group hunt set after the ceremony to get food together for a winter celebration feast! Any Sonticus wolves that would like to join Arian in attending are welcome as well. Volt and Glacier were also invited if they want to stop by as well as any of their family that want to tag along.

The wedding had been delayed a couple of days after the sudden meeting with Glacier at the border so he wasn't having the first day of winter wedding and celebration he was hoping for, but he was sure it was close enough! As they say, the show must go on. He made his way to the middle of the mangroves, a little smile on his lips. How fitting, having a wedding in the Lover's Mangroves. He hoped all of his family and guests would attend. In his mind, it wasn't just his and Svetlana's wedding, it was a way to welcome her into his family.

The air was chilly and the snow had just begun to fall this morning so there was a light layer of the ice crystals on everything. It made for quite the backdrop he thought. He went to the open area where they usually had their meetings and, with a deep breath, let out a loud howl to call everyone to him. He hoped Arian would hear as well, but he was sure she would with her pack neighboring his now. He settled onto his haunches to wait for everyone to arrive.

"Talk" "You" Think