
I keep trying to find me

Bright Moon


6 Years
11-19-2015, 02:14 AM
Bright watched the little prickly animal as it gave a little bow in return to her greeting, causing her to grin and giggle slightly. She was surprised that the hedgehog responded to her words at all. It was cute in a way. She wondered if she might ever pick up a small companion; she had never considered teaming up with an animal of another species. She'd never even tried to speak to another animal. This new continent was altogether fascinating and different. Despite her interest in being greeted by a small critter, it seemed that her acquaintance was less impressed. Terrae seemed to be prompting Silvius to say something, but the spiky creature remained silent, holding his flowers proudly atop the wolf's head.

Her interest then returned to the flowers. At last he would explain what the flowers were called, and what they could be used for. Aha, so she could clean wounds with these flowers. She wondered if it was similar to marigold, a flower she was familiar with. But then he stated it could also be used to ease the pain of childbirth, and her brows raised. Was that so? She wished she had known for the times she had brought life into this world. She'd never given birth in the presence of a healer, and it had only been in the past year or so that her interest in healing had developed. "This is fascinating, thank you Terrae," she remarked earnestly, wondering how much else he knew "I really hope I can be of use to my pack someday, though I believe Leo said there are some healers within the pack already. I-I come from Fiori... do you belong to a pack as well?" Being new to these lands, she wasn't sure what the protocol was between meeting wolves outside of claimed territory. She hoped there were no tensions between her own pack and the wolves on the outside.