
So Scary



5 Years
11-20-2015, 12:14 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her ears turned back to rest against her head in an almost shy gesture as Glacier chuckled at her response. Yes, of course she spotted the fish, and she could see the humor in it too. Anais chuckled a little herself as she looked at the clouds she had identified, curious if there was anything else related to her chosen field of study that she could pinpoint and bring to his notice. Or maybe even something that went beyond it, something as silly and outrageous as the dancing wolf that was his brother.

She was beginning to relax into it, if only just, letting the game gather up more of her attention by the second and hold it, keeping it away from the nerves that still fluttered below the surface. They were hard to banish entirely, but could, with a little conscious effort, be ignored. All she needed to do was keep her mind occupied, not give herself a moment to think too hard, to let the wait get to her. If she could only do that, everything would be fine.

Glacier, unknowingly made it hard. From the corner of her eye she saw his large form shift, and she turned her head to look at him a little more easily. Her golden eyes closed and reopened after he softly kissed her forehead, her heart beginning to beat more rapidly in her chest at even that small gesture. It made her nervous but expectant, unsure anymore how to follow and read his actions. She was made even more unsure as he spoke to her softly and drew her closer with a paw, though she did not hesitate in cuddling in closer at the invitation, tucking her muzzle against his with a timid kiss. "And I'll love you," she promised in return, her voice a heartfelt whisper, "for all of mine."
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.