

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
11-20-2015, 09:39 PM

Birna beamed with pride as Rhys went straight in for the attack. Fearless, curious, brave… the girl would make a fantastic warrior, of that the bear woman had no doubt. She made note to ask if the girl had an interest in learning to fight though she was pretty certain that Valentine would be taking care of his children's training. Birna nodded at the girls words. "They are indeed… I've never seen a live one but who knows…. you know you've got the makings of a good warrior, Rhys." She climbed into the front seat, jaws chewing for a moment on the fabric before she eyed the odd wheel-looking part somewhere in what she thought might be the creatures brain case. "I don't know if these things were prey or predators it's hard to find their teeth. They might have all fallen out. Course… you never know… maybe they're just sleeping. Hibernating…" Birna reached out a paw-

then promptly jumped out of her skin as she hit the horn. The creature honked as Birna scrambled off of it hackles raised as she growled violently. Standing stock still she waited for something to happen. When finally she was convinced that there was no threat she relaxed, giving one last growl to the creature. "Hmm…I… don't know what that was." She continued to cautiously poke at the creature but it wouldn't make the strange noise again. "Huh…must've hit some sort of cavern or something…. well anyway, we should probably be getting back to your parents before they start to worry. I'm sure you have training yes?" Birna began to head towards the door turning to glance at Rhys. "You coming?"


[Image: 262ny8g.png]