
Where are all the boogeymen?


11-20-2015, 11:19 PM

He'd taken to emerging from the south lands once more, having retreated there as summer and fall came upon these lands. However, he somewhat missed the random encounters he had here on the mainland, and the southern continent only haunted him. Especially after the meeting with the rainbow female down in the Gulley. The Titan knew not what to do with himself, he was simply a wanderer looking for a purpose. Perhaps to protect, perhaps to become a savior.

The Titan ambled through the lands, not entirely paying attention to where he was going, but when he realized that the world around him had grown completely silenced, he would look up. A low 'hmm' would vibrate through the air, the light hardly reaching down to him and the world felt a bit colder here now especially with the dawn of winter. With the senses muted, he ambled along with eyes peeled and ears straining for sound. Anything could pop out of the fog and shadows, but he wasn't afraid of that.

Minutes ticked by, and eventually he would scent the path of a young wolf. Though it was leading out of the forest, Arvandor sought to go further in. Following the opposite way of the youth, he would come to find yet another scent. Curiosity gnawed at him, and the want to quench it was great. Striding forth, the male trailed the second scent until at last, through the shadows he would find his quarry. Another young male, older then the first. This one smelled different, perhaps the two were in a pack? "Your friend decide to explore on his own?" An innocent question, especially considering he knew nothing of the packs and the quarrels they had. He stood a yard or so to the young male's left, the usual vibrant hues on his pale coat muted thanks to the dim lighting of the forest.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'